Google is the biggest and most popular search engine today. Most people will first attempt to find information on Google. Thus, as a business owner, you should have a special relationship with Google if you are to direct the millions of people who hunt for information using the search engine to your website.

Google aims to provide the best quality content to people who are looking for something specific. By following these 5 simple steps, you can enable Google to do this and in return, increase the number of customers arriving at your door.

Ensure That Your Website is Easy to Navigate.

Visitors to your website should be able to determine who you are and what you do at once. They should not have to hunt for information. All the relevant pieces of information should be organized in such a way that viewers can easily find them.

The most important information about your company should be distinctly visible.
There should be descriptions of your services and products and your company – its goals and ideals.
Provide links to additional resources where people can find more information, should they choose to know more about your industry.
Your website should be easy to navigate. Place everything in such a way that people can find them intuitively.

If you make it easy for people to find content on your website, Google will also be able to extract information from your website easily for its search results.

Publish Fresh Content at Regular Intervals.

How can people find you online? One of the ways in which this is made possible is by posting content. If you publish refreshing, engaging, attractive, and most importantly, relevant information at regular periods, you will make it easier for people to locate you.
You will also be successful in building authority in your industry.
Your website will get more traffic and you will start getting serious viewers who mean to do business with you.
When your website traffic statistics is good, Google supports you as well in making it easier for people to find you online.
In turn, this will bring in more viewers and engage the interest of potential customers as well.

Engage Consumers on Social Media.

Not only in does socializing help in the face-to-face context, but it also helps in the online world. Create a company profile on popular social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. This will help more people find you and know about you.

According to Google, two factors determine the credibility of a source:
Size of the social media audience
Number of viewers sharing content

So, here’s how you get social on the Web:
Be active on social media platforms.
Share content at regular intervals of time.
Respond to comments by viewers.

Thus, you can watch your online community increase as well as build a strong relationship with Google.

Manage Online Listings

There are several locations online where you can post your company’s information:
Foursquare (a mobile application)
White Pages
Google Places for Business

However, if the information that you provide on each of these listings is different, it will vex customers who may be put off by the contradictory information. Google will also find it difficult to locate the correct details about your business.

Spend time managing your listings and ensure that each one says the same thing.

Embrace Google’s Offerings With Open Arms

Use the various tools for business offered by Google. Naturally, the search engine prefers businesses that use its own tools.

Some search results have an accompanying headshot of the author. This feature is enabled by Google authorship on Google+.

In order to prove that your information or website content is credible, set up your own Google authorship. This will increase the chances of your content showing up higher on the hits generated by Google when somebody is searching for related information.

You should also claim your Google Local Page.

Take a critical look at your website and formulate a plan to improve it. You may want to do the following things:
Refresh your website content.
Start a blog.
Be more committed to social media marketing.

You need not work on starting everything at once, or you may find it difficult to achieve your goals. Slow and steady can indeed win the race!



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